PAN North West Student Supervision & Assessment Resources


The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) has reviewed and updated the standards of proficiency for nurses and the standards for education and training. These reflect the changing needs for the role nurses will play in future healthcare services.

Midwifery standards are also being developed, will be consulted on and implemented in 2020. The new standards have a greater emphasis on leadership, multi-disciplinary working and working across different settings.

All programmes offered by all Approved Education Institutions (AEIs) must be aligned to the new standards by September 2020. AEIs in the North West plan to adopt these new standards from September 2019.

Part 2 of the standards relate to student supervision and assessment and are more outcome focused. They separate out supervision and assessment, and students are assigned to a practice supervisor, practice assessor and an academic assessor. This resource area will enable you to meet the NMC outcomes to undertake the roles and keep yourself up to date.

Additionally, here are two useful links to provide an overview:

Frequently Asked Questions

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SCPHN Fact Sheet Mike Brownsell
Fact Sheet: Managers Information Mike Brownsell
Pre-Registration Nursing, Nursing Associate, and Return to Practice Programme Fact sheet Mike Brownsell
NMC New Standards Presentation Mike Brownsell
Pre-registration Midwifery programs from September 2020 Mike Brownsell
Pre-registration Midwifery programs from September 2020 Mike Brownsell
What will the 2018 SISSA changes mean for mentorship in Midwifery? Pat Roberts
Pan-North Practice Assessor Self Declaration form (Including SCPHN) Mike Brownsell
Pan-North Practice Supervisor Self Declaration form (Including SCPHN) Mike Brownsell

Guidance Notes

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NMC Key Changes: Flyer Mike Brownsell
NMC: Student and Learner Support in Practice Mike Brownsell
New NMC Standards - Checklist V2 Mike Brownsell
Transition to New Supervision & Assessment Roles V5 Mike Brownsell

Teaching Materials

The link below allows access to a freely available and highly useful training package developed by Anglia Ruskin University:
Training Package

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Practice Supervisor Preparation Handbook Mike Brownsell
Practice Assessor Preparation Handbook Mike Brownsell
Action Planning PPT Mike Brownsell

Self-Assessment Forms

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Practice Assessor Self Declaration Form Mike Brownsell
Practice Supervisor Self Declaration Form Mike Brownsell
Academic Assessor Self Declaration Form Mike Brownsell
Placement Declaration Form (V2) Mike Brownsell
Checklist and guidance for completing Self-Declarations (self-assessment) Mike Brownsell